Mastitis in cat: causes, symptoms, treatment


Mastitis is an inflammatory process in the mammary glands. And it is not necessary that the pet at the time of development of the disease was breastfeeding. Before understanding how to treat mastitis in a cat, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease and eliminate it, otherwise the therapy will be in vain. Mastitis represents a serious danger to health, and sometimes for the life of Pitomies. In any case, do not rely on self-healing cats, trusting the advice of the “experienced owner” from the neighboring entrance.

Causes of mastitis

During pregnancy, the body undergoes multiple changes, incl. and hormonal character. In some cats, the mammary glands grow significantly earlier than the tummy begins to grow – this is not a good sign, when it is found, it is necessary to check the hormonal background of the pet. In addition to hormonal imbalance, mastitis in a pregnant cat can occur due to premature lactation – there are already a lot of milk, but there are no kittens yet. Milk turns into “flakes”, stagnates, the glands become inflamed.

In addition, pregnancy is a stress that can lead to an aggravation of any chronic ailment. In an acute period, mastitis can develop in a nulliparous cat (and has never been pregnant): the chronic disease progresses – the immunity decreases. Some diseases affect the skin condition: the dry, thin skin of the nipples bursts, the lipid barrier is reduced, the dirt gets into the wound, inflammation develops. Similarly, the occurrence of mastitis is caused by trauma: bacteria enter the mammary gland through the wound, causing inflammation.

So-called pills from estrus often lead to serious hormonal disorders, which provoke the development of a variety of ailments, including. and oncology.

Sometimes signs of mastitis in a cat develop as a complication of false pregnancy – a rare, but not exclusive, condition of mustachioed pets. At risk, cats suffering from a chronic ailment of the sexual and / or hormonal system. “The culprit” can be a sterile cat: in the process of fertilization, ovulation occurred, but spermatozoa are not able to fertilize the ovum – false pregnancy – lactation – mastitis.

But most often mastitis in a cat develops after childbirth, due to stagnant milk. The liquid accumulates in the mammary gland, gradually beginning to literally go out. As a rule, stagnation is formed with a small offspring or increased lactation (little kittens or too much milk).

Symptoms of mastitis

Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to notice mastitis at an early stage: many cats, especially pregnant and lactating, do not much like touching the stomach. And if the darling also has a rich fur coat, hiding the nipples from the eyes, skipping the beginning of the disease is quite straightforward. Therefore, the owner should regularly inspect the pit of the pit and learn how to determine the cat’s mastitis:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • nipples are hot to the touch;
  • nipples hardened;
  • the skin around the nipples and the nipples themselves are covered with small cracks;
  • the cat clearly resists touching the nipples;
  • the cat lick one nipple more often and longer than the other;
  • when gently pressing the nipple instead of milk, the curd mass is released.

At this stage, everything is not scary, and you can help the pet yourself. But if you let the disease into its own right, the pyrogenic bacteria (cocci and others) will lead to the development of the most severe inflammation, as a result of which purulent mastitis develops in the cat:

  • all of the above symptoms are exacerbated;
  • The nipple (or nipple) is sharply enlarged in size, very hard, extremely painful;
  • body temperature rises;
  • in the thick whitish (yellowish, grayish) mass, released when pressing on the nipple, pus and / or blood are visible.

If it is a nursing cat, its behavior can be seen that it hurts: plaintive meow during feeding, and sometimes a complete rejection of kittens. Babies squeak, behave restlessly – crawl around the box, sleep badly, suffering from hunger.


Self-treatment of mastitis in a cat is permissible only at the initial stages: the nipples are slightly reddened, the milk is normally released, a slight swelling, and the temperature is normal.

First of all, it is necessary to release the mammary gland from stagnant milk: we apply to the sick papilla of the kitten or decant by hand. Strongly to press on a breast it is impossible. If there is absolutely no experience, it is more reasonable to invite a doctor or a breeder who will show how to correctly express milk without exacerbating the situation.

Before treating mastitis in a cat with warm compresses, remember that heat accelerates the multiplication of bacteria! In some cases, warm compresses help, but the risk is unjustified. It is better to make lotions (gauze, impregnated with sage broth, oak bark, chamomile), neutral for cat temperature, about 38 degrees. Sometimes short cooling helps, we put the cabbage leaf for five minutes, turn it over, hold another five minutes.

When mastitis in cats after childbirth is associated with excessive milk production (it is a lot of milk, not a small droppings), you should reduce fluid intake and tighten the nipples with a clean cloth. The nipples are tied tightly, but not enough to constrict the movements of the python. Water can be removed for a day, no longer. Wrap is removed from the diet (instead of soups – kashki, instead of canned food – dry food).

If the nursing cat mastitis passes into a purulent form, the kittens are transferred to artificial feeding, otherwise all the litter may die. We do not need to wean the cat from the offspring: the nipples are rewound, and the top is put on the blanket, so that the kittens can not reach the sick nipples. If only some nipples are inflamed, a bandage is applied on them, and the kittens continue to eat mother’s milk, but only from healthy papillae.

Purulent mastitis in cats after birth is treated only by a veterinarian, do not risk the health of a pet! To relieve pain, Novocain blockade is used, abscesses are opened, bacterial infection is removed with antibiotics, local anti-inflammatory treatment is performed.

Mastitis in a nulliparous cat, regardless of the complexity of the symptoms of the disease – an excuse for prompt treatment in the clinic. When it comes to the stagnation of milk, it is almost normal phenomenon, the consequences of which are easily eliminated with timely treatment. If there is no milk, the cause of mastitis can be a serious ailment that threatens the life of a pet. And to spend time on independent treatment of the investigation, without knowing the reason, is irresponsible.


A dull and painful cats treatment for mastitis can be avoided simply by not allowing the development of the disease. Prevention is the best treatment!

1. Discuss with the veterinarian the feeding regimen and the diet of the expectant mother. Thoughtless feeding of mineral supplements, cottage cheese with kilograms and other foods recommended for feeding pregnant cats, very often leads to excessive lactation;

2. In time, treat the pet from the parasites, so that by the time of pregnancy, her hair and skin were in excellent condition. Fleas and other bloodsuckers are an itch, and itching is a comb through which bacteria penetrate the mammary glands;

3. Keep kittens sucking milk in turns from all nipples, especially if the droppings are small. Do not be lazy to shift the babies from the nipple to the nipple, they will not crawl themselves if there is enough milk in the sucked nipple;

4. Often in a nursing cat, mastitis develops as a result of non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. During the lactation, the nipple skin is extremely effeminate and delicate, the kittens scratch their nipples with claws, the cracks that are inconspicuous to the eye are formed – the entrance gate for bacteria. If you touch the cat’s stomach with dirty hands, it is rare to change the litter in the “den,” to enter the room in street shoes, etc., mastitis will certainly make itself felt.

Do not forget that mastitis can be a consequence of the weakening of immunity, stress, chronic illness, hormonal disorder. Therefore, the prevention of mastitis in cats – this is timely vaccination, and excellent conditions of detention, and regular visits to the veterinarian, and just an attentive attitude to the pet.


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