Red eyes in dogs: symptoms, treatment


If the eyes are red, then conjunctivitis. If you notice that the dog’s red eyes need to be understood, reddening of the eyes is an independent symptom only in isolated cases. Often the disease is a “signal of alarm”, warning of serious problems.

Important! The following information is purely indicative. Successful diagnosis of the underlying causes of redness in the eyes at home is impossible. If the dog has already refused food and water, gives signs of fever or depression – urgently consult a specialist!


To find out why the dog’s red eyes will need a survey of a veterinarian-ophthalmologist. The host will in any case be asked a number of questions, so we carefully observe the dog and write out the symptoms that are observed.

  • General condition: the dog is depressed, tries to take shelter in a quiet place, reluctantly takes food, tries to scratch his eyes, whines, often shakes his head, there are discharge from the nose, a rise in temperature.
  • The nature of redness and the rate of the disease:
    a) the eyelids are reddened, the white of the eye and the iris look normal.
    b) the white of the eye reddened.
    c) the white of the eye reddened completely, it is possible that the vessels are visible.
    d) redness and swollen vessels, otherwise the eye looks normal.
  • Are there any secretions from the eyes:
    a) Isolations white or transparent, viscous, easily removed with a napkin.
    b) greenish or purulent discharge, glue the coat around the eyes and eyelids if the dog sleeps.
    c) the discharge is brown.

Red eyes, as a normal physiological reaction

If the dog has red eyes, and the rest does not cause her anxiety, perhaps the causes lie on the surface. We restore in memory the events of the last days and hours. Perhaps with the dog there was one of the following concussions:

Stress is a fight, an experienced shock, a strong or suppressed aggression, punishment or humiliation. What to do: calm the dog and let her regain strength.

Allergy – observe the diet of recent days and exclude all newly introduced products, protect the dog from contact with detergents and household chemicals.
Overheating – the animal was for a long time in the sun or in a room with a high air temperature. Signs: shortness of breath, nausea, reddening of mucous membranes, elevated body temperature, loss of coordination. The pet needs first aid and a visit to the vet.

Injury of the eye or head – visual symptoms (bruises, scratches) may not be. If there is redness or teardrop from one eye, the dog tries to cover it, reacts sharply to the touch and does not (!) Try to scratch it, most likely, the reason for a blunt object – immediately for an ophthalmologist.

Important! Injuries from feline claws are extremely serious. Under the claws of the cat is a lot of bacteria. Even if you did not see the blow, and the conflict took place – see a doctor immediately!

Strong wind, dust, sand – drying of mucous membranes (without excretions). When the eyes dry out, you will need saline or “natural tears”, drops without antibiotics, a doctor’s consultation (you can call) and treatment at home.

Conjunctivitis can have varying degrees of severity, accompanied by viscous, glueing discharge of light yellow or light green color. It must be remembered, the disease is viral and infectious, the pet needs to be protected from other animals, to be careful and personal hygiene rules. At the initial stage, the eyes are washed with infusion or decoction of chamomile (not tea!), Each eye with a new sponge or cotton swab. Also, the use of drops is shown, “standard” Safrodeks does not suit everyone. Than to treat at concrete signs the expert will prompt and by phone. With conjunctivitis, eyelids are strongly itchy, so be sure to buy or make a “cap”. We observe trends, it became worse – immediately to the clinic.


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