A kitten in the house is not only a joy for all members of the family, but also a great responsibility. Kittens, like little children, so they need constant care, attention, affection, love. Any changes in the behavior, condition of the fluffy pet should alert the caring owner.
The organism of children reacts sharply to any unfavorable factors affecting the animal’s organism. For example, unlike adult cats, kittens are more likely to have diarrhea. Diarrhea of a 2-month-old kitten, arising for a variety of reasons, is a symptom of serious system pathologies, diseases, infections. Therefore, do not disregard the intestinal disorder. Consider what to do if the kitten is abusing and how to leave diarrhea at home.
Diarrhea in small kittens
Diarrhea (diarrhea) – a condition characterized by frequent excrement with the release of liquid excrement. It arises because of increased intestinal peristalsis, accelerating the progress of stools, provoked by various unfavorable factors.
Important! An upset stomach in kittens is a fairly common phenomenon that breeders of furry pets may encounter. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT at a kitten up to 3-4х monthly age is not completely filled with a useful intestinal microflora taking part in digestion processes. At an early age, the intestinal mucosa is very susceptible to the effects of irritants
In kittens at the age of two months, a liquid, soft cough-like stool of brown, brownish-yellow color is considered the norm. But if the pet defecates more than 5-6 times a day, feels pain during defecation and at the same time mucus, foam, bloody substances, unboiled food are noticeable in the feces – this is a very disturbing symptom that needs to be stopped as soon as possible. Prolonged profuse diarrhea leads to dehydration, weakening of the body, which is very dangerous for 2-month-old kittens.
What causes diarrhea in a kitten
Intestinal disorder in kittens is caused by various adverse factors and causes. Short diarrhea, which lasts no more than a day, can be caused by fatty milk, poor-quality milk mixtures, improperly selected products for complementary foods, poisoning.
Substances that act on the intestinal mucosa, enhance peristalsis, intestinal motility, accelerating the progress of stool, cause acute inflammation.
The causes of diarrhea in a two-month old kitten:
- poisoning with chemistry, toxins, substandard, stale fodder;
- unbalanced diet;
- infection;
- helminthic invasion;
- a sharp change in diet;
binge eating; - fatty foods in the diet;
- congenital abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract;
- decreased immunity;
- injuries, severe bruises of the intestines, stomach;
- foreign objects in the organs of the digestive tract;
- wool in the stomach;
- stress, a strong fright;
- food allergy;
- intestinal infections;
- lactose intolerance;
- increased sensitivity of the digestive system.
Intestinal upset, can develop against a background of hypo-avitaminosis, food allergy, the development of which contributes to poor-quality ready-made feeds, unbalanced diet. A similar condition is noted in congenital pathologies of the digestive tract, exacerbation of chronic diseases such as: renal, hepatic insufficiency, pancreatitis, blockage of the bile ducts.
Occupational debilitating diarrhea can be a symptom of deadly bacterial-viral, fungal, invasive diseases (panleukopenia, chlamydia, leukemia, Aujeski, viral enteritis, colibacteriosis), as well as intestinal infections.
Note that in small kittens, intestinal infections develop rapidly, because of the unstable balance of useful flora. They show vomiting, nausea, fever.
Very often, acute indigestion is noted in helminthic invasions, to which kittens are exposed regardless of age, breed, and conditions of detention. Infected with helminths kittens can from the mother of the cat, in utero. Eggs, endarasitic larvae carry fleas, lice, other external parasites. They can be in drinking water, fodder, raw, non-thermally processed meat products (minced meat, fish).
Important! Infection with viruses, bacteria, external, internal parasites is most susceptible to non-grafted, non-progestogenated kittens, weakened pets that are kept in unfavorable conditions. Stress, prolonged hypothermia, violation of the rules of care, content weaken the animal organism, reduce the overall resistance.
Diarrhea in kittens often occurs against a background of strong emotional shocks. Stress in the pet can cause an early weaning from the mother of the cat, a change in the place of residence, the situation familiar to the baby, conflicts with other domestic pets, and a check with the veterinarian. As a rule, diarrhea on the background of stress passes without any treatment. But the owners must constantly monitor the condition of the pet in order to prevent dehydration. Try to protect the baby from stress, surround the pet caress, care, attention.
Despite the fact that the main food of the monthly, two-month-old kittens is mother’s milk or ready-made mixtures, if the kittens are on artificial feeding, some children experience diarrhea from dairy products due to individual lactose intolerance (milk proteins, sugar).
Overeating, supplementing fat, not boiled milk, substandard milk substitutes, changing the composition of mother’s milk due to infections, cat’s disease, is also one of the most common causes of intestinal frustration in kittens.
Products from our table, low-quality industrial feeds can also provoke upset stomach.
Types of diarrhea in kittens
By the frequency of bowel movements, nature, color, stool consistency, it is possible to determine the possible cause of diarrhea. In this case, the main reason for the intestinal disorder in small pets can be established by a veterinarian after a series of laboratory diagnostic tests.
Diarrhea with foam and mucus
A liquid stool in a 2-month-old kitten with a lot of foam, mucus, particles of unquenched food, with blood impurities is most often detected when the cat is infected with helminths. In addition to diarrhea, the kitten may be vomiting, nausea. Such symptoms usually occur immediately after eating, if the appetite of the pet is preserved. It is possible to increase the overall temperature, severe weakness, allergic manifestations, muscle spasms.
Important! Parasites, the simplest organisms (lamblia, isospores, trichomonads) disrupt the integrity of tissues, internal organs in their localization, provoke acute inflammation, and release harmful endotoxins.
Invested with parasitic worms, the pet refuses to feed, favorite treats, quickly loses weight, looks apathetic, depressed, exhausted. Kittens, infected with worms, lag behind in growth, development from their healthy relatives. A strong helminthic invasion can lead to death due to severe intoxication, exhaustion, blockage or rupture of the intestine.
Bloody diarrhea
Diarrhea with blood in two-month-old kittens develops due to internal bleeding, which is caused by injuries, abdominal contusions, the presence of foreign objects in the digestive tract, irritating the mucous organs of the digestive system. Blood in the stool is noted with erosions, the presence of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract.
If the excrement is dark brown, black – this indicates that the focus of bleeding is located in the stomach, the upper gastrointestinal tract. The stool is colored in a dark color because of the blood not completely digested by intestinal enzymes.
Bright-scarlet stools, bloody clots, inclusions, threads indicate intestinal bleeding. The lesions can be in the thick, thin part of the intestine.
Green, yellow, white diarrhea in kittens
Green stinking foamy diarrhea develops against the background of intestinal infections, under the influence of putrefactive bacteria that colonize the intestines. Such a state, conducive to the activation of opportunistic microorganisms, can be provoked by substandard, stale, rotten or sour fodder.
Important! Green diarrhea in kittens is with viral-bacterial infections, sepsis, necrosis, destructive damage to the tissues of the digestive tract.
Diarrhea of yellow color, bright orange diarrhea is noted in two-month-old kittens for poisoning, overfeeding, eating fatty foods, as well as for chronic, congenital pathologies, liver, gallbladder, kidney diseases. This phenomenon is noted because of the increased amount of bile in the bowel movement.
White diarrhea in kittens signals serious pathologies in the body of a small pet. Marked in the obstruction of the bile ducts, the presence of stones in the liver, malfunctioning of the organ, with congenital, acquired pancreatitis. Recall that the color of the stool is not only responsible for the food that enters the body, but also bile enzymes (bilirubin).
Before starting treatment for diarrhea, we recommend that you consult with a veterinarian regarding the choice of techniques. The specialist will choose an effective therapy, taking into account the age, the general condition of the baby, and also the cause that caused the intestinal disorder.
Analyze what could cause diarrhea in the pet. A simple intestinal disorder can be treated at home by yourself. If diarrhea developed against the background of infections, systemic pathologies, diseases, helminthic invasions, the treatment course should be prescribed by a veterinarian.
Four-fingered patients with infectious diarrhea are prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, antiparasitic, restorative, antiemetics, vitamins, and hypoimmune serums. If diarrhea is caused by helminths – antihelminthic drugs in tablets, suspensions for kittens (Prasicides, Cetovex).
With a strong dehydration of the body, infusion therapy is performed to normalize the electrolyte balance, replenish the stores of nutrients. Intravenously injected isotonic, physiological solutions. Droppies are put to babies.
If there is a suspicion of poisoning, if diarrhea is caused by a change in diet, poor-quality feed, food allergy, it is imperative that the kitten be sustained on a 10-12 hour fasting diet. In order to avoid dehydration, in the bowl of the pet should be fresh boiled drinking water. In the future, review the diet of the kitten, exclude from the “menu” harmful and especially stale products.
Advice! Strong rice broth, sweet black tea will help to remove acute diarrhea. When poisoning instead of water, you can give the pet herbal collection, Regidron. Good helps with diarrhea decoction of oak bark, chamomile, sage, flaxseed. Healing herbs have enveloping, astringent, anti-inflammatory effect. They pour into the mouth of the kitten in small portions several times a day through a syringe without a needle.
Eliminate flatulence, symptoms of intoxication, fermenting processes in the intestine will help adsorbents – black, white activated charcoal, children’s Smecta, Enterosgel.
You can use probiotics, enzymes (Lactobifidum, Lactobifid, Linex, Bifidumbacterin). Intestinal spasm will remove Papaverin, but No-shpa, Drotaverine is not recommended for giving two-month-old kittens. These drugs are poorly tolerated by the body.
Concerning the choice of medicines, it is best to consult a veterinarian not to harm a small pet. In a day after a hungry diet, the preparations containing lactobifidobacteria, special medicinal feed will help normalize the digestive processes.
During treatment, until the state of the kitten is completely normalized, carefully monitor its condition and behavior. Observe the recommendations of the treating veterinarian, adhere to the dosages indicated in the annotation to the preparations.
How to feed a kitten with diarrhea
After a hungry diet, the kitten should be fed with easily digestible soft food, special medicinal feeds, which contain probiotics, enzymes. The food should be fresh, warm. Feed the kitten in small portions at regular intervals.
On the second day, give the cat a boiled chicken, veal, half boiled egg, oatmeal, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, natural yogurt.
If the cat receives the lure in the form of milk mixes, ready canned forages, purchase the pet special medical food for normalization of the general condition, digestive processes.
To translate the pet on a habitual diet it is necessary gradually and only after full arrest of a diarrhea.
If after a diet, treatment, the kitten began to vilify again, we recommend taking the cat to the clinic for complex diagnostics.